Peneliti yang Tanggap mendorong BLI menjadi Terdepan

Dr. Henry Bastaman, M.ES, Kepala Badan Litbang dan Inovasi sangat yakin apabila peneliti di BLI tanggap terhadap lingkungan serta permasalahan sekitar akan bisa mendorong Badan Litbang dan Inovasi (BLI) menjadi leading the way atau terdepan. Hal ini dikemukakakn beliau pada acara Gala Dinner yang merupakan bagian acara INAFOR ke-3 di Ballroom IPB International Convention Center, Bogor, Rabu (21/10).

“Kita harus mengubah setting pemikiran kita. Pola pikir kita sekarang haruslah global. Bisakah dari litbang dan inovasi, setting penelitian kita untuk melihat fenomena yang terjadi. Ini bukan hal yang sederhana, “kata Kabadan.

Kabadan sangat merasa prihatin terhadap kejadian kebakaran dan bencana asap yang melanda wilayah Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Bahkan beliau merasa sangat sedih melihat kejadian kebakaran yang melanda Papua.

“Kalau Papua tidak bisa kita pertahankan maka kita akan habis. Tidak ada Pulau di Indonesia yang bisa kita pertahankan. Tidak ada pesan dalam situasi krisis, semua bingung dan asap menjadi masalah, kata Kabadan.

Beliau juga merasa sedih melihat fenomena di masyarakat Papua yang menganggap hal biasa adanya kebakaran alang-alang tersebut. Mereka tidak tahu akan akibatnya apabila fenomena tersebut dibiarkan bisa menjadi masalah besar di kemudian hari seperti di Kalimantan dan Sumatera.

“Saya harap mulai sekarang, kita melihat secara serius fenomena yang terjadi untuk satu langkah ke depan. Dan saya yakin 500an peneliti dan seluruh jajaran untuk mulai memikirkan itu, “kata Kabadan.

Lebih lanjut, Kabadan menyatakan ada dua hal utama yang harus diperhatikan sehingga bisa membuat BLI menjadi terdepan. Kedua hal tersebut adalah:

  1. Adanya fenomena yang sangat baru dan harus bisa kita telusuri apa yang terjadi. Kemudian buat prioritas atas permasalahan tersebut untuk diselesaikan
  2. Fenomena lama yang ada, tetapi kita belum berhasil menyelesaikan sedangkan tekanan terhadap fenomena tersebut juga semakin meningkat. Contohnya adalah konsumsi kita akan sumber daya hutan yang semakin meningkta tetapi produksi hutan masih tetap bahkan berkurang.

“Kita sekarang harus mulai untuk berpikir jangka panjang atas kebijakan pembangunan sekarang. Bagaimana kita harus menyiapkan 5 tahun ke depan, pemikiran tersebut sangat dibutuhkan. Sebelum dicision maker, kita harus satu langkah ke depan, “kata Kabadan.

Selain itu, Kabadan juga mengajak peneliti dan manajemen untuk mulai berpikir ulang atau memformat penelitian-penelitian mana yang diprioritaskan sesuai dengan fenomena sekitar dan betul-betul harus diselesaikan.

Dalam acara tersebut, juga dipresentasikan hasil kerjasama BLI dengan FCPF dan CIFOR. Dimana kedua lembaga tersebut juga menjadi sponsor dalam kegiatan INAFOR ke-3 ini. Selain itu, dalam acara gala dinner yang diikuti oleh seluruh peserta INAFOR ke-3 juga diumumkan pemenang lomba riset dengan tema Food, Energi, Medicine and Others.

Adapun pemenang lomba foto riset tersebut adalah:

  1. Foto Favorit :Judul: ”Julang Sumba Siap Mendarat”, by Oki Hidayat, BPK Kupang
  2. Juara kategori Food: Judul : Emydura subglobosa by Richard Gatot  Nugr oho, BPK Manokwari
  3. Juara Kategori Energy : Judul: “Wood Pellets” by Deden Nurhayadi, Puslitbang Hasil Hutan
  4. Juara Kategori Medicine: Judul: “Uder cup jamur (Filoboletus manipularis) by Andi Nopriansyah – BPK Palembang
  5. Juara Kategori Others : Judul: “Lawan Aku” Bekantan Sungai Hitam, by Ishak Yassir

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Vice President IUFRO Terkesan dengan INAFOR ke-3

Prof. Björn Hånell, Vice President IUFRO memuji dan mengucapkan selamat atas keberhasilan pelaksanaan International Conference of Indonesia Forestry Research (INAFOR) ke-3 tahun 2015. Dia merasa sangat terkesan dengan acara ini. Hal ini disampaikanya saat memberikan sambutan penutupan INAFOR ke-3 di Ballroom IPB International Convention Center, Bogor, Rabu (22/10).

“INAFOR ke-3 ini sangat bagus dalam pelaksananaanya. Dimana kemarin pagi dihadiri sekitar 600 peserta. Selain itu kualitas presentasi juga bagus, sangat fokus pada keilmiahan atau scientific.  Tadi pagi saya mengikuti sidang komisi di ruang ini dan saya sangat terkesan. Ilmu kalian sudah layak sesuai level tinggi internasional,”kata Björn

Bahkan pada saat pembukaan, Björn mengatakan bahwa pada kongres dunia IUFRO XXIV di kota salt lake tahun 2014, presentasi dari Indonesia bisa lolos sebanyak 61 buah. Jumlah yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan negara lain, yang rata-rata hanya bisa mempresentasikan sebanyak 25 buah setiap negara. Dimana pada kongres tersebut di ikuti oleh 100 negara.

Oleh karena itu, Björn berharap bahwa peneliti atau ilmuwan dari Indonesia maupun yang hadir dalam acara INAFOR ke-3 tersebut bisa ikut berpartisipasi kembali dalam IUFRO Reguional Congress for Asia and Oceania 2016 di Beijing Cina pada tanggal 24-27 Oktober 2016. Informasi lebih lengkap dapat dilihat di

Disisi lain, Dr. Henry Bastaman, M.ES menyatakan bahwa kegiatan INAFOR ini meruapakan kegiatan yang sangat penting dan strategis bagi peneliti di Indonesia maupun seluruh dunia untuk saling sharing dan memperbaiki permasalahan yang di Indonesia.

“kegiatan ini tidak hanya kegiatan bersama bagi peneliti kehutan di Indonesia, tetapi juga dunia. Selain itu, ini juga menunjukkan keseriusan bangsa Indonesia untuk menjadi leading the way (terdepan) dalam melindungi hutan berdasarkan prinsip kelestarian hutan,”kata Henry.

Lebih lanjut, Henry juga merasa sangat senang, dimana dalam INAFOR ke-3 ini telah menghadirkan banyak ilmuwan yang mempresentasikan berbagai macam ilmu pada tingkat yang sudah tinggi. Dan Beliau yakin bahwa melalui kegiatan INAFOR ini bisa menghasilkan Iptek yang akan memperbaiki kebijakan terutama dalam bidang kehutanan di Indonesia maupun dunia.

Disadari bahwa pada hari kedua ini, INAFOR menghadirkan sekitar 82 paper dan 77 poster yang dibagi dalam 6 (enam) komisi dengan topik sebagai berikut: a).  Forests, Agriculture and People; b). Forest Biomass and Bioenergy; c). Forest and Water Interactions; d). Forest and Climate Change; e). Forests and Non Timber Forest Products; f). Forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Selain itu, Henry juga mendorong peneliti yang hadir pada acara INAFOR ke-3, terutama dari Badan Litbang dan Inovasi (BLI) untuk selalu berpartisipasi pada kongres yang dilaksanakan oleh IUFRO maupun kegiatan lainnya. ***THS


Materi Terkait:


 Topic 1 Forests, Agriculture and People

A.    Paper

    1. Importance of social capital for community empowerment to ensure household food security of the agroforestry farmers in Wan Abdul Rachman Grand Forest Park (Arzyana Sunkar, Windy Mardiqa Riani, Leti Sundawati)
    2. Effect filter cover of seedlings in direct inoculation screening of Uromycladium tepperianum for Falcataria moluccana Disease Tolerant (Asri Insiana Putri, Liliana Baskorowati, Nurhidayati, Toni Herawan, Siti Husna Nurrohmah)
    3. Social Capital Status on Hkm Development in Lampung (Christine Wulandari, Pitojo Budiono)
    4. Value chain of smallholder’s timber: Lessons learnt from Indonesia (Dede Rohadi, Tuti Herawati)
    5. Forests and women: representation of role of women in sustainable forest management in media coverage (Eli Jamilah-Mihardja, Azman Azwan Azmawati)
    6. A duration model of adoption of falcataria-based farm forestry (Evi Irawan, Rinaldi Imanuddin, Nana Haryanti)
    7. Bringing bushmeat home: A contribution of NTFPs to local livelihood in West Papua (Freddy Pattiselanno, Herman Manusawai, Agustina Y.S. Arobaya, Jacob Manusawai, Deny A. Iyai, Johan F. Koibur, Jimmy Wanma)
    8. Ethnoclimatology of smallholder farmers in kisar island and livelihood resilience  in facing climate (Heryanus Jesajas)
    9. Peat swamp forest management through community based participation: A study case in Kalawa Village Forest (Hesti L. Tata)
    10. The use of silt-pits for erosion and sedimentation control in sloping agricultural land (Hunggul Y.S.H. Nugroho)
    11. Constraints to exercising forest tenure rights by forest adjacent communities in Indonesia (Mani Ram Banjade, Tuti Herawati, Nining Liswanti, Esther Mwangi)
    12. Role of mollo women in plant genetic resources preservation to achieve self sufficiency in food (Meilati Ligardini Manggala, Arzyana Sunkar, Siti Amanah)
    13. Role of forest in livelihood strategy in the peat land of Central Kalimantan ex-mega rice project area (Noviana Khususiyah, S.Suyanto)
    14. Mangrove management as source of food by the women fishermen group in Sei Nagalawan, North Sumatra, Indonesia (Rospita Odorlina P. Situmorang, Sri Yanti P. Barus, Rogerson Anokye)
    15. Pantropical vs locally developed allometric equations: which will be the better option to estimate aboveground biomass of Papua Tropical Forest? (Sandhi Imam Maulana, Yohannes Wibisono, and Singgih Utomo)
    16. Livelihood assets mapping of the farmer on managing forest (Silvi Nur Oktalina, Digby Race and Wiyono)
    17. Increasing women participation in forest resources management program in Gondoriyo Village, Central Java (Sri Lestari, Bondan Winarno)
    18. Current situation of land grab in state forest area (kawasan hutan) in Indonesia (Takahiro Fujiwara, San Afri Awang, Mamat Rahmat, Ratih Madya Septiana, Noriko Sato)
    19. Reinforcing agroforestry to meet the need of timber, fruits  and  food into HTR scheme-based on land suitability  and necessary policy: A case study in Riau (Tigor Butarbutar)
    20. Community perceptions towards industrial timber plantations in Indonesia (Romain Pirard)
    21. Analysis of  bioeconomy and enviromental of  dipterocarp species in logged over area forest based on local wisdom in East Kalimantan Province (Abubakar M. Lahjie, Annisa Abubakar, Rochadi Kristiningrum)

 B.    Poster

    1. Potential of species diversity in Tembawang agroforestry system as a source of income and food (Agus Wahyudi, Asef K. Hardjana)
    2. Agroforestry natural and benefits stimuli for improvement of Kerinci Community at Kerinci Seblat (Asvic Helida, Ervizal AMZ, Hardjanto, Y.Purwanto, Agus Hikmat, Mustopa Marli)
    3. Apis dorsata Fabr. and Trigona itama bee bread pollen as alternative protein for human and suplement in  bee farming (Apis mellifera) (Avry Pribadi,  Purnomo)
    4. Optimizing the role of local community knowledge in managing community forest towards food, energy, and water adequacy (Budiyanto Dwi Prasetyo)
    5. Integrated bio-cycles farming system for green prosperity (Cahyono Agus)
    6. The study of the zoning function of urban forest in the low laying coastal city and landlocked city (Efendi Agus Waluyo, Ari Nurlia)
    7. Social capital of the community in the development of private forest at Mempawah Subditrict (Emi Roslinda, Wiwik Ekyastuti, Siti Masitoh Kartikawati)
    8. A pest on Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb in Agroforestry System (Endah Suhaendah,  Aji Winara)
    9. Ethnobotanical study of the medicinal plant known by Dayak people in Paser, East Kalimantan (Ike Mediawati, Septiana Asih Widuri, Bina Swasta Sitepu, Noorcahyati)
    10. Reintroduction of local plants species on agroforestry plantation as habitat of local insect (Indriani Ekasari, Yati Nurlaeni, Masfiro Lailati, Rustandi, Juanda, Agus Supratman, Dadang Suherman)
    11. Phenetic analysis of tengkawang (Shorea spp., Dipterocarpaceae) (Kusumadewi Sri Yulita)A spatial modeling approach with logistics binary regression for mapping distribution of bamboo resources in Bali Province (Lutfy Abdulah, Desy Ekawati)
      1. Factors influencing peatland fire behaviour and implications to the policy on sustainable peatland management (Lailan Syaufina, Ahmad Ainuddin Nuruddin)
    12. Contribution of cocoa Producer’s organisation to Cameroon emergence: Case of KONAFCOOP and CACAO+Ayos (Marguerite Belobo Belibi, Charles Tah, Judith Van Eijnatten, Nathalie Ewone-Nonga)
    13. Issue and gender equality improvement effort in production of weaving with natural dye in East Sumba District (Mariana Takandjandji, Murniati)
    14. Community–based tree and forest product enterprises  in the Forest Management Unit (Mohammad Sidiq, Berthold Haasler, Zulfikhar)
    15. Which intensification for a REDD+ strategy?: Comparative study in cocoa agroforests of Cameroon (Nathalie Ewane-Nonga, Rachid Hanna,  Kirscht Holger, Marguerite Belobo Belibi, Judith Van Eijnatten, Charles Tah)
    16. Forest Coffee Cultivation in Petungkriyono (Siti Zurinani)
    17. Evaluation of the Implementation of KBR Policy in Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province (Sri Lestari, Bambang T Premono, Bondan Winarno)
    18. Optimizing the use of teak forest area to increase forage availability to support higher cattle production (Sri Nastiti Jarmani, Sajimin, A. Angraeni)
    19. Soil Degradation in Riau: The Implication to Sustainable Income of Agricultural Sector (Sudarmalik, Mamat Rahmat)
    20. Social-economic impacts of community forest certification: a case study in Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta (Wiyono, Kazuhiro Harada)
    21. Can the land cover of agroforestry 70% replace the hydrological function of watershed with the forest land cover 30%? (Edy Junaidi, Wuri Handayani)
    22. Evaluation performans of grass forage species on agroforestry  pinus at Lembang west Java (Sajimin, Nurhayati D. Purwantari)
    23. Daily behavior of sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) in captive deer Lampung University (Bainah Sari Dewi)
    24. Food  sources of forest vegetation can potentially support the national food security (D. Martono)
    25. Food security and Nutrition: The role of forests (Terry Sunderland)
    26. A gender perspective of oil palm expansion in Indonesia (Tania Li, Rebecca Elmhirst, Mia Siscawati, Bimbika Sijapati Bassnett, Krystof Obidzinski, Pablo Pacheco)
    27. The limit of annual tree ring formation, examples from tropical forests of Indonesia (Hety Herawati, Esther Fichtler, Martin Worbes)
    28. Overlapping forest certification arrangement in ASEAN: A case of conflict between private, state and regional governance (Agung Wibowo, Muhammad Alif K. Sahide, Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Lukas Giessen)

Topic 2 Forest Biomass and Bioenergy

A.    Paper

    1. Gliricidea sepium, material for wood pellets (Aris Wibowo, Agus Cahyo, Harcicik)
    2. Potential biomass and energy in the social forest bamboo stands (Gigantochloa atter) in District Tanralili Maros (Baharuddin)
    3. Carbon storage if mangrove forest in PT Bintuni Utama Murni Wood Industries, Teluk Bintuni – Papua Barat (Binsar Liem Sihotang, Soewarno Hasanbahri, Rishadi Purwanto)
    4. Growth, flowering, fruiting and biofuel content of Calopyllum inophyllum in provenance seed stand (Budi Leksono, Eritrina Windyarini, Trimaria Hasnah)
    5. Comparison between trunks and empty fruit bunch of palm oil as feed in high-loading-substrate enzymatic hydrolysis and unsterilized-mixed-culture fermentation for bio-ethanol production (Teuku Beuna Bardant, Ina Winarni, Hadid Sukmana)
    6. Biomass Mapping of Tropical Rainforest Using Airborne LiDAR (Jarot Pandu Panji Asmoro)
    7. Above-ground biomass content of logged-over peat swamp forest in concession area of PT. Diamond Raya Timber, Rokan Hilir District, Riau Province (Nunung Puji Nugroho)
    8. Carbon stock estimates at various landuse system at Sub Watershed Sumber Brantas, East Java (Priyadarshini, R, Widjajani, B.W., Hamzah, A., and Maroeto)
    9. Biomass energy in Malaysia (Puad, E., Wan Asma, I., Mahanim, S.M.A., Shaharuddin, H. and Rafidah, J.)
    10. Aboveground biomass and timber stock mapping using wall-to-wall LiDAR data in peat swamp forest, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia (Solichin Manuri, Laura Graham, Cris Brack, Bruce Doran)
    11. Uncertainties of above ground biomass estimates in tropical peat swamp forest (Solichin Manuri, Shijo Joseph, Lou Verchot, Cris Brack)
    12. Morphologycal variation of second generation (F-2) Acacia Hybrid  (Sri Sunarti , Arif Nirsatmanto, Teguh Setyaji  dan V. Devy Adyantoro)
    13. ioethanol production from falcata (Paraserianthes falcataria) wood by enzymatic delignification and simultaneous saccharification fermentation using immobilized cells (Syamsul Falah, Suryani, Azmi Azhari)


B.    Poster

    1. Characterization   compound  cacao  waste with pyrolysis process  by  biomass  energy resources   (Mohammad  Wijaya.M, Muhammad Wiharto and Muhammad Anwar)
    2. Potential of tengkawang pericarps as raw material of energy (Rizki Maharani, Andrian Fernandes)


Topic 3 Forest and Water Interactions

A.    Paper

    1. Biodegradation of wastewater textile dyes fungus, isolated from forest, in a small-scale bioreactor by recycling of immobilized (Asep Hidayat,   Sanro Tachibana)
    2. The hydrological function of Eucalyptus pellita plantation, in Riau (Agung B Supangat)
    3. Improving land use/land cover classification  accuracy using rule-based image classification (Agus Wuryanta, Nunung Puji Nugroho)
    4. GIS based flood hazard mapping and vulnerability assessment: a case study of tidal and river floods in downstream of Ciasem Watershed (Budi Hadi Narendra, Harris Herman Siringoringo, Chairil Anwar Siregar)
    5. Double layer immobilized manganese peroxidase from Pleurotus ostreatus effectively enhanced the biodecolorization of Remazol Brilliant Blue R Dye (Dede Heri Yuli Yanto and Sanro Tachibana)
    6. Biodecolorization of textile dye by isolated tropical fungi (Maulida Oktaviani, Dede Heri Yuli Yanto)
    7. Drainage ditches establishment on peatland landscape: effects on water table levels and site conditions of West Kalimantan Degraded Peatland Forests (Dwi Astiani dan Mujiman)
    8. Hydrological function of teak forest in Cepu, Central Java (Irfan B. Pramono, Nining Wahyuningrum)
    9. Response of phosphorus in Pterocarpus indicus– A nitrogen-fixing tree species and its sensitivity (Lok, E.H., B.Dell)
    10. Self-sufficient energy community drive the protection of water-source forest in North Sumatra (M. Jeri Imansyah, Nety Riana Sari SN, Irsan Simanjuntak)
    11. Comparison of soil loss from prediction using universal soil loss equation with direct measurement from sediment yield in Keduang Sub-Watershed (Tyas Mutiara Basuki, Wahyu Wisnu Wijaya)
    12. Diameter and height from various ages of Swietenia sp. in relation to its land suitability and stand table at different class index (bonita) in Grobogan and Temanggung Districts (Tyas Mutiara Basuki, Nining Wahyuningrum)


B.    Poster

    1. The role of pine and teak forest on low flow (Irfan B.Pramono, Rahardyan N. Adi)
    2. Ecological studies  on  riverbank afforestation with special reference to soil and water conservation in the State of Chhattisgarh (India) (Krishna Chandra Yadav)
    3. Role of ethnobotany of ampupu (Eucalyptus urophylla) on the water sustainability function of Mutis Strict Nature Reserve (Lyan LG Aendwi, Dewi Jully Anna, Meilati Ligardini Manggala, Muhammad Ahda Agung Arifian, Syahru Ramdhoni)
    4. Water yield of Jupoi river and erosion in Austral Byna Consession, Central Kalimantan (Susy Andriani, Purwanto Budi Santosa, Rahardyan Nugroho Adi)
    5. Prediction of streamflow and sedimentation in Sawangan Sub Watershed using SWAT Methods (Lis Nurrani, Supratman Tabba, Erwin Hardika Putra)
    6. 6+10+20=23+32+45=Collective participation the cascade microhydro system in Bulukumba (La Ode Asier,  Hunggul Y.S.H Nugroho, Saparuddin)


Topic 4 Forest and Climate Change

A.    Paper

    1. Risk alleviation strategy of REDD+ Implementation in Musi Banyuasin-South Sumatra in Grobogan and Temanggung districts (Deden Djaenudin)
    2. Application of forest canopy density model for monitoring forest degradation in the Gunung Mutis Nature Reserve ( Eko Pujiono)
    3. Utilization of Ameliorants  and the Effect on GHG Emissions in Peatlands for Corn ( Eni Maftu’ah dan Dedi Nursyamsi)
    4. Integrated Approach for Land Use Change Analysis as An Effort to Climate Change Mitigation in Medan City ( Rahmawaty, Monnica Zalukhu, Abdul Rauf)
      1. Carbon Loss from Soil Ecosystems in Tropical Peatlands of Central Kalimantan ( Siti Sundari)
      2. The effects of carbon payment on optimal rotation of gmelina forest: case study in Tasikmalaya and Banjar, West Java (Yonky Indrajaya, M. Siarudin)
      3. A Total Approach to Forest Fire Management: Fire Free Village, Fire Free Landscape Program


B.    Poster

    1. Texture analysis of SPOT-6 image for mapping forest and plantation: The case of Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan, Indonesia (Ita Carolita a, Tatik Kartika a, Rizqi Ianatus S)
    2. Food and climate change at mountainous area of Papua (Susan Trida Salosa)
    3. Relationship of socio-economic condition with community perception about Sebangau National Park REDD+ Demonstration Activities (DAs) (Wildy Vendy Poneke, San Afri Awang, Lies Rahayu Wijayanti Faida)


Topic 5 Forests and Non Timber Forest Products

A.    Paper

    1. Effect of Teak Extractive Imposition on Wood Characteristic Improvements (Jamal Balfas, Efrida Basri, Jasni)
    2. Alternative production of bilobalide and ginkgolides through callus induction of Ginkgo biloba leaves (Agus Sukito, Sanro Tachibana, Asep Hidayat)
    3. Distribution Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg) domke cultivation and Potential land for developing this species in Lombok (Anita Apriliani D.R., Retno Agustarini, and YMM Anita Nugraheni)
    4. Teak Wood Extract Larvicide of Aedesa egypti (Dwi Rama Nugraha, Tafnaldi,  Deded Sarip Nawawi)
    5. Analysis of economy on black bamboo cultivation (Gigantochloa atroviolacceae widjaja) for feedstock and environmental sustainability (Husnul Khotimah, Marfuah Wardani, Sutiyono)
    6. Some properties of isocyanate-bonded laminated bamboo lumber made of mayan bamboo (Gigantochloa robusta) (Ignasia M Sulastiningsih, Edi Sarwono, Abdurachman)
    7. Moisture distribution and defect development during intermittent drying of Eucalyptus saligna (K. Yuniarti, B. Ozarska, G. Harris, G. Brodie, G. Waugh)
    8. The development analysis of agroforestry system for rehabilitation of degraded peatland (Marinus Kristiadi Harun, Tri Wira Yuwati)
    9. Fertilizer Trials of Aquilaria crassna Using Micro-organic (Pro-fil sawit), Compound (NPK) and Organic fertilizer (Worm waste) for Agarwood (Sakinah, H., Lok, E.H.,  Ng, T.L.)
    10. Feasibility analysis of coffee as a seeded non wood forest product of the forest district of South Bandung (Triyono Puspitojati, Idin Saepudin, Dedeng Mulyana)


B.    Poster


Topic 6 Forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

A.    Paper

    1. Removing barriers to invasive species management in production and protection forests in SE Asia –the FORIS project (A. Sivapragasam, W. Arne, S. Titiek , S. Rathea, S. Marianne,  N.L. Duyen, M. Zieren and H.T. Chan)
    2. Enhancement of biodiversity conservation effort tthrough establishment of High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) in Permanent Forest Reserve: State Forestry Department of Pahang, Malaysia experience (Abdul Khalim Abu Samah, Mohd Paiz Kamaruzaman, Khali Aziz Hamzah, Norhaidi Yunus)
    3. Determine peatland fire ganger rating according to weeds characteristic under jelutung (Dyera Polyphylla) plantation (Acep Akbar, Eko Priyanto, Isa Anwar)
    4. Bird Diversity in Different Disturbance Gradients  in Lambusango Forest, Southeast Sulawesi (Ani Mardiastuti, Yeni A. Mulyani, Reza A. Ahmadi, M. Fahmi Permana)
    5. Structure and composition of vegetation in Balikpapan Bay mangrove forest and their implication for conservation (Antun Puspanti, Wawan Gunawan, Warsidi)
    6. Development prospect of  jelutong as business commodity of Forest Management Unit (A financial review) (Nur Arifatul Ulya, Efendi Agus Waluyo, Ari Nurlia)
    7. Genetic Diversity of Three Shorea Species in Ex-situ Conservation Plot in KRUS, East Kalimantan Based on SSR Markers (AYPBC Widyatmoko)
    8. Sustainable utilization of forest plants: Experiences from Manggarai tribe in Ruteng Mountains, Indonesia (Dida Syamsuwida, Yulianti Bramasto, Iskandar Z Siregar, Andry Indrawan, Endah R Palupi)
    9. Sustainable utilization of forest plants experiences from Manggarai tribe in Ruteng Mountains, Indonesia (Elisa Iswandono, Ervizal A.M. Zuhud, Agus Hikmat, Nandi Kosmaryandi)
    10. Different individual and stand increment response function on old natural forest after logging (Abdurachman, Farida Herry Susanty)
    11. How conservation strategy determined based on genetic characteristics of the species: A case study on two lowland Dipterocarps (Henti Hendalastuti Rachmat, Koichi Kamiya, Atok Subiakto, Ko Harada)
    12. Growth evaluation of nantu (Palaquium obtusifolium) progeny test plant for one year old in Batuangus forest research station, North SulawesiNorth Sulawesi (Jafred E. Halawane, Julianus Kinho, Arif Irawan)
    13. Indigenous culture of timor deer (Rusa timorensis Blainville 1882) hunting in Torong Padang Cape, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara (Kayat, Oki Hidayat)
    14. Genetic  improvement of Calliandra calothyrsus  for qualified wood energy (Rina Laksmi Hendrati)
    15. Tree species composition in lowland mixed Dipterocarp forest of Samboja Research Forest three decades after initial major fire (Subekti Rahayu, Sambas Basuni, Agus Priyono Kartono, Agus Hikmat)
    16. Optimize management for fragmented production forest area with multisystem silviculture; simulation in ITCI Forest, East Kalimantan (Suryanto, Tien Wahyuni, Andriansyah)
    17. Degraded forest modeling caused by harvesting using TPTI system: Case study in PT Dwijaya Utama areas, Central Kalimantan (Syahru Ramdhoni, Meilati Ligardini Manggala, Muhammad Ahda Agung Arifian, Dewi Jully Anna, Lyan Lavista Greise Aendwi)
    18. Degraded Forest Modeling Caused by Harvesting Using TPTI System Case Study in PT Dwijaya Utama Areas, Central Kalimantan (Wahyudi)
    19. Analysing the gaps between potential and actual high conservation values (HCVs) in the Pawan Watershed, Ketapang, West Kalimantan (Edi Purwanto)


B.    Poster

    1. Mangrove Rehabilitation Using Silvofishery System in Telang Protection Forest, South Sumatra: Opportunities and Challenges (Adi Kunarso, Tubagus Angga A, Bastoni)
    2. The effect of  nyamplung plantation on soil fertility in Pangandaran sandy beaches (Aditya Hani, Encep Rachman)
    3. Planting Techniques of Rhizophora mucronatas Lamk on High Wave Prone Areas at Alo Beach of Talaud Island (Ady Suryawan, Arif Irawan, Anita Mayasari, Margareta Christita, Nur Asmadi)
    4. Diameter class distribution of ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri T. et B.) on customary forest of Mambang, South Sumatra on customary forest of Mambang, South Sumatra (Agung Wahyu Nugroho)
    5. Study  of Post Release Orangutan Rehabilitated in Beratus Protection Forest East Kalimantan (Amir Ma’ruf)
    6. Mainstreaming ecosystem services values for sustainable management of protected areas in Gorontalo, Indonesia (Kartikasari, S. N, Rixecker, S.S., C.M. Clayton)
    7.‘Recycled genetic resource’ as an optional strategy in advanced generation breeding for tropical species:  a case study in optimizing genetic resource for Acacia mangium breeding program (Arif Nirsatmanto)
    8. Effect of Filtered Containment in Direct Inoculation of F. moluccana for Gall Rust Screening (Asri Insiana Putri, Liliana Baskorowati, Siti Husna Nurrohmah, Nurhidayati, Toni Herawan)
    9. Utilization of Pisar L-2 Data for Land Cover Classification in Forest Area Using Pixel-Based and Object-Based Methods (Bambang Trisakti, Ahmad Sutanto, Heru Noviar)
    10. Birds in the Peat Swamp Rehabilitation Area in Sebangau National Park (Bina Swasta Sitepu)
    11. Seed Dispersal and Seedling Establisment on Sandalwood Trees  (Santalum Album L.) on Forest Fragmentation  in  Savana,  Sumba Island, East Nusa Tenggara (I Komang Surata, Enny Faridah, Sumardi)
    12. Genetic structure of Calliandra calothyrsus distributed in Indonesia revealed by random amplified polymorphism DNA markers (I.L.G. Nurtjahjaningsih and Purnamila Sulistyawati)
    13. Propagation alternative of bambu petung (Dendrocalamus asper) without taking apart of its clump (Merryana Kiding Allo)
    14. Development of bambu petung (Dendrocalamus asper) cluster  in Bondowoso, East Java Province (Muhammad Charomaini)
    15. The outbreak of sap sucker Tingis beesoni in Gmelina:Comparison in different geographical condition (Neo Endra Lelana, Illa Anggraeni)
    16. The effect of some fungal root endophyte isolates on sengon growth (Neo Endra Lelana, Yeni Nuraeni)
    17. Genetic Relationship of Shorea gybertsiana with another three shorea species producing tengkawang based on RAPD specific alleles (Purnamila Sulistyawati, AYPBC Widyatmoko)
    18. Re-introduce pre-fire species to accelerate species composition recovery after major fire: an ecological  restoration planning (Subekti Rahayu, Sambas Basuni, Agus Priyono Kartono and Agus Hikmat)
    19. Application techniques buds culture and somatic embryogenesis in tissue culture of sandalwood (Santalum album L.) (Toni Herawan, Asri Insiana Putri, Fithry Ardhany, Titis Budi Widowati)
    20. Nesting habitat of the olive ridley turtle  in Kaimana, West Papua (Zeth Parinding, Sambas Basuni, Herry Purnomo, Nandy Kosmaryand, Yusli Wardiatno)
    21. Growth characteristic of sandalwood (Santalum album linn.) From western part of Timor Island (Sumardi, Hery Kurniawan, Prastyono)
    22. Invasive Alien Plant Species in the Philippines: A preliminary report (Edwin R. Tadiosa, Danilo N. Tandang)
    23. Facing Invasive Alien Species issue: choosing to eradicate or compromise? (Titiek Setyawati, Sukisman Tjitrosemidjo)
    24. Researching on control method of giant sensitive plant Mimosa diplotricha C. Wright ex Sauvalle (Mimosaceae) for recovery of biodiversity in the Cuc Phuong National Park (Ta Thi Kieu Anh)
    25. Pre eliminary growth variation analysis of tisuk plantation (Hibiscus Sp) at Parungpanjang Experimental Garden, Bogor (Endang Pujiastuti, Yulianti  Bramasto)
    26. Prediction on density for seed sowing of jelutung (Dyera polyphylla) to reach successfull germination (Nurhasybi, Naning Yuniarti)
    27. Survival and growth variation of merbau from several provenances at ex situ conservation plot in Bondowoso (Tri Pamungkas Yudohartono, Burhan Ismail)
    28. Wildlife and self-sufficiency in meat (Yanto Santosa)
    29. Stem borer attacks on mulberry plantion in Sukabumi (Yeni Nuraeni, Ujang W. Darmawan)

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